Research Experience for High-School Student at the University of Houston: Tropical Storm and Hurricane Dataset

It is great to have high-school students involved in research activities. It is of paramount importance since they are the ones to shape the future academic community.

Here we engaged a high-school student in research activities related to the development of a basic and compact dataset for hurricanes and tropical storms that impacted the United States over the last two decades.

The compact dataset can support coastal engineers, structural engineers, and wind engineers who are at the starting point of their research and are looking for quick access into an overview of historical events, their basic wind and surge properties, and their impact on civil infrastructure and humankind with numbers.

The compact dataset created by the student includes information on sustained wind speeds, storm surges, MHHW, station IDs, impacted locations and states, casualties, and costs associated with the events, along with important links that can be utilized for in-depth research studies. The project includes a description file to guide researchers as well as a brief description of the mentoring plan used by the PI.

Importantly, the student has been made aware of, explored, and utilized the following sources and platforms (among other):

-         DesignSafe Repository
-         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
-         National Hurricane Center (NHC)
-         Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
-         National Weather Service (NWS)
-         Florida Climate Center (FCC)
-         Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS)
-         Florida Coastal Monitoring Program (FCMP)
-         US Air Force (USAF)
-         Corps of Engineers (CoE)
-         US Army Corporation of Engineers (USACE)
-         Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network
-         Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment (CERA) Web Mapper



SP-I Lab’s Report on Hurricane Beryl