1. Khalid, O., Khan, W., and Kalliontzis, D. (2024). “Evaluating Lap-Splice Length Requirements for Grade 80 Deformed Bars in Structural Masonry.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-13571.

  2. Salah, A., Kalliontzis, D., Lawler, JS., and Wagner, El. (2024). “Shear Behavior of Rebar-Free UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects and Fiber Alignment.” ACI Structural Journal, DOI: 10.14359/51743306.

  3. Shahin, N., Salah, A., and Kalliontzis, D. (2024). “Softened Membrane Model for Shear of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (SMM-UHPC).” Engineering Structures, 308: 117956.

  4. Kalliontzis, D., Kotzamanis, V. (2023). “Addressing Geometric and Material Nonlinearities in Fluid-Structure Interaction with the ALE-SSM Framework.” Engineering Structures, 295: 116851.

  5. Kotzamanis, V., Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “Understanding flexibility effects in the interaction of light-frame wood structures with wave action.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-12283, 149(12), 04023187-13.

  6. Salah, A., Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “Strategic use of ultra-high-performance concrete and carbon fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement for end zone design of prestressed girders.” Advances in Structural engineering, DOI: 10.1177/13694332231213459.

  7. Khalid, O., and Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “High-strength reinforcing bars (HSRBs) and TMS 402: A first study on Grade 80 bars.” TMS Journal, December 2023.

  8. Kalliontzis, D. (2022). “Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE Formulation and Skeleton-Based Structural Models.” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 110: 103513.

  9. Kalliontzis, D., Morrison, M., Liu, Q., Nazari, M, Kotzamanis, V. (2022). “Improving Recovery of Hybrid Rocking Walls through Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation.” Engineering Structures, 267: 114621.

  10. Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., Sritharan, S. (2022). “Unbonded Post-tensioned Structural Masonry Wall with Rubber Interface for Limited-Damage Systems.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(1): 04021223.

  11. Kalliontzis, D., Shing, P. B. (2021). “Force-Based Frame Element with Axial Force-Flexure-Shear Interaction for Modeling Reinforced Concrete Members.” ACI Structural Journal, 118(3), 131-146.

  12. Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S. (2021). “Seismic Behavior of Unbonded Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Members with Thin Rubber Layers at the Jointed Connection.” PCI Journal, 66(1): January-February.

  13. Kalliontzis, D., Nazari, M. (2021). “Unbonded Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Walls with Rocking Connections: Modeling Approaches and Impact Damping.” Frontiers in Built Environment, 7: 638509.

  14. Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2020). "Dynamic response and impact energy loss in controlled rocking members." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(4), 319-338.

  15. Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2020). "Generalized dynamic analysis of structural single rocking walls (SRWs)." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(7), 633-656.

  16. Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2018). "Characterizing dynamic decay of motion of free-standing rocking members." Earthquake Spectra, 34(2), 843-866.

  17. Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). "Characterizing the in-plane rocking response of masonry walls with unbonded posttensioning." ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(9): 04017110.

  18. Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). "Improved estimation of the reverse-cyclic behavior of fully-grouted masonry shear walls with unbonded post-tensioning." Engineering Structures, 145, 83-96.

  19. Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz A. E. (2016). "Improved coefficient of restitution estimation for free rocking members." ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12): 06016002.

Journal Papers

Technical Reports

  1. Kalliontzis, D., Kotzamanis, V., Bechtel, B., and Alvey, J. (2023). “Multi-Mode Wave Energy Converter (MWEC) for Nearshore Wave Energy Extraction.” University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC) 2023 Conference, 4-6 October, Durham, NH.

  2. Khan, M. W., Khalid, O., and Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “Numerical Investigation of the Bond Behavior Between High Strength Steel Bars and Concrete Masonry.” 14th North American Masonry Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.

  3. Khalid, O., Khan, W., Kalliontzis, D., and Hochwalt, J. (2023). “Experimental Study for the Bond Development of High-Strength Steel Reinforcement in Structural Masonry.” 14th North American Masonry Conference, Omaha Nebraska.

  4. Salah, A., Shahin, N., and Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “Experimental Study of Shear Behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects.” 3rd International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete, Wilmington, Delaware. https://doi.org/10.21838/uhpc.16637.

  5. Kalliontzis, D., and Morrison, M. (2022). “Self-Centering Rocking Bridge Columns with Hysteretic Damping through Locally Heat-Treated Replaceable Bars.” 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Athens, Greece.

  6. Kalliontzis, D., Morrison, M., Liu, Q., and Nazari, M. (2022). “Hybrid Rocking Wall with Locally Heat-Treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation.” 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  7. Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2021). “Structural Masonry Walls with Rubber Pads and Unbonded Posttensioning Tendons: Experiment and Design Procedure.” 14th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Montreal, Canada (Received Honorable Mention).

  8. Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2019). “The Effect of Impact Energy Loss in the Dynamic Response of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls.” 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  9. Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz A. E. (2019). “Improving Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls with the Use of Elastomeric Interfaces.” 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  10. Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2018). “Modeling of a Rocking Masonry Wall with Unbonded Post-Tensioning Subjected to Shake-Table Testing.” 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California.

  11. Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Modeling of Fully-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Post-Tensioning under Reverse-Cyclic Loading.” 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.

  12. Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Simplified Approach for Estimating the Envelope Response of Unbonded-Posttensioned Masonry Walls.” 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Halifax, Canada (Received Honorable Mention).

  13. Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2017). “Improving Seismic Response of Precast Structures Designed with Jointed Connections.” PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.

  14. Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Improving Accuracy of the Simple Rocking Model of Rigid Blocks.” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

  15. Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2016). “A Simple Analytical Model for the Rocking PreWEC System.” VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Crete Island, Greece.

  16. Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2014). “A Finite-Element Approach for Modelling Controlled Rocking Systems.” 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.

Conference Papers