At SP-I Lab, we are committed to advance science and engineering by sharing new knowledge and supporting other researchers with datasets, experimental or numerical. Hence, we make every attempt to publish datasets from our research projects to the public. Below are links and references to available datasets published in the DesignSafe Data Depot by our research group:

  1. Hwang, J., D. Kalliontzis (2024). "Research Experience for High-School Student at the University of Houston: Tropical Storm and Hurricane Dataset", in Research Experience for High-School Student at the University of Houston: Tropical Storm and Hurricane Dataset. DesignSafe-CI.

  2. Kalliontzis, D (2024). "Natural Hazards Research Summit 2024: Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE-SSM: A New Approach to Simulate Structural Responses to Fluid-Induced Loading", in Natural Hazards Research Summit 2024: Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE-SSM: A New Approach to Simulate Structural Responses to Fluid-Induced Loading. DesignSafe-CI.

  3. Kalliontzis, D., V. Kotzamanis (2024). "Field Survey Dataset", in Hurricane Beryl: Reconnaissance of Wind and Storm-Surge Damage to Buildings in Houston and Galveston, Texas. DesignSafe-CI.

  4. Kalliontzis, D., A. Salah. (2024) "Database for Softened Membrane Model for Shear of UHPC", in Database for UHPC Simulations. DesignSafe-CI. v3

  5. Kalliontzis, D., A. Salah. (2024) "Finite element modeling of pretensioned girders with end zone made of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) bars", in Database for UHPC Simulations. DesignSafe-CI. v3

  6. Kotzamanis, V., D. Kalliontzis. (2024) "Understanding Flexibility Effects in the Interaction of Light-Frame Wood Structures with Wave Action", in Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations for Coastal Structures. DesignSafe-CI. v1

  7. Kalliontzis, D., A. Salah. (2024) "Material Characterization of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC)", in Database for Material Characterization of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC). DesignSafe-CI. v1

  8. Kalliontzis, D., V. Kotzamanis. (2023) "Natural Hazards Research Summit 2022: Advancing FSI Knowledge to Characterize Flexibility Effects in Hurricane-Induced Structural Responses." DesignSafe-CI. v1