1. University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC) Conference (2024). “Reconfigured Gearbox and Flywheel System for Multi-Mode Wave Energy Converter (MWEC).” by Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD Student, and David Ferrer, Undergraduate Student.

  2. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC) (2024). “Experimental Study of Broken Wave Attenuation and Load Mitigation by Mangrove Forests of Varying Configuration and Density.” by Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD Student.

  3. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC) (2024). “Addressing Geometric and Material Nonlinearities in FSI Simulations with the ALE-SSM Framework.”

  4. NHERI Computational Symposium (2024). “Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE-SSM: A New Approach To Simulate Structural Responses to Fluid-Induced Loading for Natural Hazards.” 

  5. American Concrete Institute Fall Convention (2023). “Experimental and Analytical Study on the Shear Behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects.”

  6. University Marine Energy Research Community (UMERC) Conference (2023). “Multi-Mode Wave Energy Converter (MWEC) for Nearshore Wave Energy Extraction.”

  7. 14th North American Masonry Conference (2023). “Numerical Investigation of the Bond Behavior Between High Strength Steel Bars and Concrete Masonry.” by Waleed M. Khan, PhD Student.

  8. 14th North American Masonry Conference (2023). “Experimental Study for the Bond Development of High-Strength Steel Reinforcement in Structural Masonry.” by Omar Khalid, MSc Student.

  9. Third International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete (2023). “Experimental Study of Shear Behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects.” by Abdulrahman Salah, PhD student.

  10. American Concrete Institute Fall Convention (2022). “Experimental Investigation of Shear Behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects.” by Abdulrahman Salah, PhD student.

  11. American Concrete Institute Fall Convention (2022). “Softened Membrane Model for UHPC.” by Noran Shahin, PhD student.

  12. The Masonry Society Fall Meetings (2022). “Creating a Roadmap to Adoption of High Strength Steel in Structural Masonry.”

  13. Natural Hazards Research Summit (2022). “Advancing FSI Knowledge to Characterize Flexibility Effects in Hurricane-Induced Structural Responses.”

  14. CWRM Symposium, U.S. Army Corps Engineering Research and Development Center (2022). "Effects of Structural and Soil Flexibilities on the Responses of Coastal Housing to Wave-induced Loads." with Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD student.

  15. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (2022). "Effect of Foundation Flexibility on the Interaction between Elevated Light-Framed Timber Coastal Housing and Solitary Waves." by Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD student.

  16. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (2022). "Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE Formulation and Skeleton-Based Structural Models."

  17. 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (2022). "Self-Centering Rocking Bridge Columns with Hysteretic Damping through Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars."

  18. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2022). "Hybrid Rocking Wall with Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation."

  19. 14th Canadian Masonry Symposium (2021). "Structural Masonry Wall with Rubber Pads and Unbonded Posttensioning Tendons: Experiment and Design Procedure."

  20. Kobe-UCSD Joint Symposium (2019). "Recovery Columns for Bridge Structures: Numerical Study."

  21. 13th North American Masonry Conference (2019). “The Effect of Impact Energy Loss in the Dynamic Response of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls.”

  22. 13th North American Masonry Conference (2019). “Improving Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls with the Use of Elastomeric Interfaces.”

  23. 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2018). “Modeling of a Rocking Masonry Wall with Unbonded Post-Tensioning Subjected to Shake-Table Testing.

  24. 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers (2017). “Modeling of Fully-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Post-Tensioning under Reverse-Cyclic Loading.”

  25. 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium (2017). “Simplified Approach for Estimating the Envelope Response of Unbonded-Posttensioned Masonry Walls.”

  26. PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference (2017). “Improving Seismic Response of Precast Structures Designed with Jointed Connections.”

  27. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2017). “Improving Accuracy of the Simple Rocking Model of Rigid Blocks.”

  28. VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (2016). “A Simple Analytical Model for the Rocking PreWEC System.”

Conference Presentations

Invited Speaker

  1. University of New Hampshire, October 2023. “Understanding Axial Load and Size Effects in the Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) via the Universal Element Tester (UET) Facility.”

  2. UC San Diego, May 2023. “Utilizing Universal Panel Tester to Study Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete.”

  3. Nirma University Webinar, April 2023. “Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Shear Behavior of UHPC.”

  4. Rice University, September 2022. "Understanding Fluid-Structure Interaction of Coastal Housing with Hurricane-induced Wave Action."

  5. South Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, April 2022. "Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations in Support of Developing Resilient Structural Systems in Coastal Regions."

  6. NHERI Lehigh Seminar Series, April 2022. "Multi-physics Simulations of Structural Responses to Fluid Flows Induced by Coastal Hazards."

  7. Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, December 2021. "Performance Assessment of the Pre-tensioned Piles in the San Diego-Coronado Bridge."

  8. EERI McMaster Guest Lecture Series, May 2017. "Understanding the behavior and improving the seismic performance of rocking structures." McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada