Fluid-structure interaction for coastal hazards

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) phenomena involve coupling between the laws of fluid and structural mechanics. Many of these phenomena are encountered in the civil engineering discipline, including the interaction of structures with fluid motions that are generated by hurricanes, tornados, and tsunamis. As the human footprint in the coastal regions of the United States increases, understanding this interaction becomes more and more critical. In addition to small- and large-scale experiments, computational FSI simulations can provide significant insight into the responses of structures to fluid-induced loads. This research investigates the interaction between coastal structures and wave forces and involves computational simulations and wave flume testing.

Furthermore, as part of this research, we have developed an in-house FSI framework which combines an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) framework with skeleton-based structural models (ALE-SSM) consisting of force-based frame elements—a much favored approach in structural modeling. The development of ALE-SSM enables interaction of two- and three-dimensional computational fluid domains with frame elements through a methodology that captures the physical structural geometry in the domain coupling.


  1. Kalliontzis, D., Shing, P. B. (2021). “Force-Based Frame Element with Axial Force-Flexure-Shear Interaction for Modeling Reinforced Concrete Members.” ACI Structural Journal, 118(3), 131-146.

  2. Kalliontzis, D. (2022). “Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE Formulation and Skeleton-Based Structural Models.” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 110: 103513.

  3. Kotzamanis, V., Kalliontzis, D. (2023). “Understanding Flexibility Effects in the Interaction of Light-Frame Wood Structures with Wave Action.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-12283, 149(12), 04023187-13.

  4. Kalliontzis, D., Kotzamanis, V. (2023). “Addressing Geometric and Material Nonlinearities in Fluid-Structure Interaction with the ALE-SSM Framework.” Engineering Structures, 295:116851.

Presentations & Posters:

  1. Natural Hazards Research Summit 2022. “Advancing FSI Knowledge to Characterize Flexibility Effects in Hurricane-Induced Structural Responses.”

  2. NHERI Lehigh Seminar Series, April 2022. "Multi-physics Simulations of Structural Responses to Fluid Flows Induced by Coastal Hazards."

  3. Rice University, September 2022. "Understanding Fluid-Structure Interaction of Coastal Housing with Hurricane-induced Wave Action."

  4. South Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, April 2022. "Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations in Support of Developing Resilient Structural Systems in Coastal Regions."

Student Assistants:

Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD Student


Shear behavior of UHPC